MATLAB: Understanding Parameter Errors in fitnlm

curve fittingerrornonlinear

Following this question , I have some noisy data that I wish to fit to a sinusoid with some phase. I use fitnlm to perform this fit, and I'm interested in knowing how to find the error of the fit. I see that the output automatically calculates the standard error, but I can't find any documentation on what exactly this means. Is this the reduced chi^2? (And if so, isn't reduced chi^2 not accurate an accurate measurement of error for nonlinear models?)

Best Answer

Wikipedia has a pretty good explanation of the mean squared error that fitnlm provides.
And I think Torsten's suggestion for bounding will also work for bounding frequency between 40 & 50:
boundedfreq = 40 + mod(unboundedfreq,10);