MATLAB: What’s the meaning of sfit when estimating an ordered probit model

MATLABordered probit statistics regression

I'm estimating an ordered probit model, and I'd like to have some parameter indicating the goodness of fit (unlike other regression models, there are many proposed indicators to evaluate this). So I'd like to know:
1) What's the meaning of stats.sfit? The matlab help states "the estimated dispersion parameter", but I don't know what do they mean with that.
2) If sfit is not indicating goodness of fit, is there some way to obtain it directly from Matlab?

Best Answer

I cannot find stats.sfit function. So, I am giving general sfit function related to curve fitting overview.
Fit function : fits curve or surface to data
So, fit function will return surface object or curve object. Here surface object is considered as sfit.
confint funtion: Confidence intervals for fit coefficients of cfit or sfit object.
confint(sfit) returns 95% confidence bounds.for sfit or cfit object.
Refer to this documents for better understanding :
So, sfit is not totally related to goodness of fit. MATLAB has function
goodnessOfFit which you can use.
goodnessOfFit : returns fit values that represent the error norm between test and reference data sets.
Refer to this document and example for better understanding :