MATLAB: Unable to find analytical solution to integral

analytical solutiondefinite integralintegrationmupadsymbolicsymbolic integral

I am trying to solve a symbolic definite integral. I know that there has to be a solution (at least an approximate one). However, MATLAB seems to be unable to find an analytical solution of the integrals. It only returns the int(…, x=…) expression that i plug in. The only help i found in the documentation was to use taylor expansion on the function before the integration, which seems to be too much of an approximation.
Am I doing something wrong? Is there any other way to find a solution to the integral or at least a good approximation?
My code for one of the integrations:
syms a b c d E f g x y
func = a+f*x+g*y*d*(y-c)/((y-c)^2+(x-b)^2)^(1/2);

Best Answer

syms a b c d E f g x y
func = a+f*x+g*y*d*(y-c)/((y-c)^2+(x-b)^2)^(1/2);
I do not know whether the Symbolic Toolbox is able to find the integral; it is
g*y*d*(-y+c)*(ln(-E-b+sqrt(E^2+2*E*b+b^2+(-y+c)^2)) - ln(E-b+sqrt(E^2-2*E*b+b^2+(-y+c)^2))) + 2*E*A