MATLAB: Integration function generates different result by a same expression


A same expression in two style will be integrated in two different results, why ? and which result is correct ?
syms a b c x
>> int(y1)
ans =
(a*x^2)/2 + (a*(b - c) + 1)*x
>> int(y2)
ans =
x + (a*(b - c + x)^2)/2
and obviously they are not equal.
>> expand(int(y1))-expand(int(y2))
ans =
a*b*c - (a*c^2)/2 - (a*b^2)/2

Best Answer

Tiger, this is because these are indefinite integrals. Solutions to indefinite integrals can differ by a constant. If you make them definite integrals by specifying integration limits, you will get the same answer. Something you can check with isequal, which will return 1 , for true. Or simply compute the difference.
int1 = int(y1,x,0,1);
int2 = int(y2,x,0,1);