MATLAB: Uitable set handles for logical


%I have a blank uitable in GUI. 3 columns and several rows.
%I wanna place checkbox in 3th column in this uitable.
% 1th column for string, 2th for numeric and 3th column for logical (checkbox).
%my datas are;
a={'p1'; 'p2'; 'p3'} %points id
b=[200;250;300] %distances
% for 3th column I wanna create blank checkbox (false) for these data into my uitable in GUI.

Best Answer

You can create it in GUIDE and then look at the source code it created to build the grid. If you don't want to continue using GUIDE for some reason and want to do it the hard way and build it yourself, then you'll have to copy over the code where it sets up the grid. Or else slog through the uitable() documentation.