MATLAB: I want to have a popup menu as column format on a uitable and the popup list will be feeded by a variable. Is this possible

popup listuitable

I have a uitbale with 6 columns. I want to have a popup menu as column format at 5th column at the uitable and the popup list will be feeded by a variable. Is this possible?

Best Answer

uitable() cannot read the current content of a variable to determine the popup menu to display. You need to set() the appropriate entry of the uitable ColumnFormat property to the cell array of strings that you want to use for the popup entries each time the variable changes.
popup_column = 7; %for example
col_fmt = get(MyUitable, 'ColumnFormat');
col_fmt{popup_column} = Variable_with_new_entries
set(MyUitable, 'ColumnFormat', col_fmt);
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