MATLAB: UITable dropdown option in column not working


I am trying to create a dropdown option in the third column of my table. If I use the documentation data (variable Data) with my dropdown choices, it works. If I try using my data (variable myData), it does not work. I have also tried the categorical replacement for the specific column in the table and that did not work for me. Thanks for your insight.
% Generate Data
material_list = {'material1','material2','material3'};
num = [1 2 3]';
type = {'A', 'B', 'C'}';
% Generate "Choose" for last column
choose = repmat({'Choose'},length(num),1);
% Build table
my_table = table(num,type,choose);
myData = table2cell(my_table);
fig = uifigure;
% Matlab documentation data
Data = {'Andrew' 31 'Male' 'Choose'; ...
'Bob' 41 'Male' 'Choose'; ...
'Anne' 20 'Female' 'Choose';};
% Build uitable
uit = uitable('Parent', fig, ...
'Position', [100 150 380 100], ...
'ColumnFormat',({[] [] [] material_list}), ...
'ColumnEditable',true, ...
'Data',myData); % myData does not work, % Data works.

Best Answer

Change the value to the property 'ColumnFormat'
% Build uitable
uit = uitable('Parent', fig, ...
'Position', [100 150 380 100], ...
'ColumnFormat',({[] [] material_list}), ... % number of elements should be same as number of columns
'ColumnEditable',true, ...
'Data',myData); % myData does not work, % Data works.