MATLAB: App Designer Table setting column name to variable name

app designercolumn names

I am using app designer and have a few uitables. However I am struggling to get the column names to automatically match the variable names as stored in my tables.
I know I can set them manually, but I would like them to be set automatically as the tables might still chnge in the future.
I found the correct documentation but am not sure how to change the property
"When you specify the Data property of a Table UI component as a table array, MATLAB sets the format of the Table UI component automatically based on the values in the table array:
  • By default, the column names displayed in the app match the VariableNames property of the table array"
This is how I set my data:
app.Table1.Data=DataTable; %Data table is a saved table in my database

Best Answer

I was trying to find an answer to this too. In the absence of any other replies.
app.Table1.ColumnName = DataTable.Properties.VariableNames ;
seems to work, but I am not sure if this qualifies as "automatic".