MATLAB: Uitable ColumnFormat for n columns


I am new to Matlab and have a question regarding uitable 'ColumnFormat'. I would like to format all the column data in my uitable to 2 decimal places via format bank. How do I accomplish this if my data has n columns? I have the following code to create the table:
table = uitable(f,'data',cpf,'Position',[40 20 1000 770],'ColumnName',WOBvect,'ColumnFormat',columnformat,'RowName',Nvect);
I would like columnformat to be a vector of the size of WOBvect such that every element of the array, cpf, displayed in the uitable has 2 decimal places. I realize 'bank' may accomplish this, but how do I apply that to each column WITHOUT having to list the column names. The number of columns will vary with the size of WOBvect.
Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Before that call,
columnformat = repmat({'bank'}, length(WOBvect), 1);