MATLAB: Trying to isolate rows in a specific time


So I am trying to isolate specific variables in a certain time frame, I have different columns for time and what I need but the data is in a table. Is there a way for me to create a new variable with only the rows of these specific times only. I have attached screenshots of the workshop tables, tahnk you.

Best Answer

First of all, your csv file is not properly formatted. So it is difficult to use csvread() or readtable() directly. The following code use textscan() to read the file and then extract rows based on the specified hour range
f = fopen('Shearwater.Surface.Wind_Direction_and_Wind_Speed.2006.3-hourly.csv');
data = textscan(f, '"%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f"', 'HeaderLines', 1);
data = cell2mat(data);
dates = datetime([data(:,1:4) zeros(size(data,1), 2)]);
dataTable = table(dates, data(:,5), data(:,6), 'VariableNames', {'datetime', 'wind_direction', 'wind_speed'});
Hours = hour(dataTable.datetime);
index = Hours >= 15 & Hours <= 17; % all rows where house is between 15 and 17
requiredTable = dataTable(index, :);