MATLAB: Import multiple ftext files in MATLAB_ Names of files are dates

data importtime seriestxt

Hello all,
I have a folder with different back up measurements (Wind, Tide height,…)in different files from 31/12/2009 till 31/12/2010 in .txt format. The file names are in a date format that matlab cannot recognize. For example the TIDE Height file for 31/12/2009 is '091231_000000_22168_TIDE_HEIGHT.txt' and the TIDE Height file for 31/12/2010 is named ' 101231_000000_22168_TIDE_HEIGHT.txt' and so on.
I want to create a loop in MATLAB to scan the files of this folder and only read the files of TIDE Height measurements. Then combine them in one matrix (1439,365) because I have measurements every minute of every day and every day of the year.
Thank you for your much appreciated help.

Best Answer

i fixed it with this
for k=100101:100102
delimiter = '\t';
startRow = 2;
formatSpec = '%{dd/MM/yyyy}D%{HH:mm:ss}D%f%*s%[^\n\r]';
fileID = fopen(textFilename,'r');
dataArray = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, 'Delimiter', delimiter, 'HeaderLines' ,startRow-1, 'ReturnOnError', false);
Date = dataArray{:, 1};
Time = dataArray{:, 2};
TIDE_HEIGHTMETER(:,k-100100)= dataArray{:, 3};
clearvars textFilename delimiter startRow formatSpec fileID dataArray ans numfiles;
but I need to write a loop for each month