MATLAB: Trying to create an m x n (n=2 columns) matrix where n is incremented in integers starting with 1 and the second column outputs a random integer from 1 to 6 as if 1 die were being thrown n times.

fair die throw

Is there a better was to achieve the results of the following code without having to re-type the row and column elements 5 times?
dieRolls5 = [1,(randi ([1,6]));2,(randi ([1,6]));3,(randi ([1,6]));4,(randi ([1,6]));5,(randi ([1,6]));]
The results are correct but one must do a lot of manual work to simulate the results of a different number of throws of the die.
One might want to create a matrix with a different number of throws of the die; e.g., 8 throws. Having to type the following code is obviously not a good solution.
diceRoll8 = [1,(randi ([1,6]));2,(randi ([1,6]));3,(randi ([1,6]));4,(randi ([1,6]));5,(randi ([1,6]));6,(randi ([1,6]));7,(randi ([1,6]));8,(randi ([1,6]));]

Best Answer

N = 8;
dieRolls = [(1:N).', randi(6,N,1)];