MATLAB: Superimpose matrices (n,n,m) to (n,n,1)

2d plot3d3dplotimageMATLABmatrixmatrix manipulationplotsuperimpose

I have a matrix a=360x360x100 (double)
I want to know how to superimpose all images and get a single matrix i.e 360x360x1 from 360x360x100
and plot that
for i = 1:100
l = data(:,i);
a100(:,:,i) = reshape(l, 360, []);
x = 1:size(a100,1);
y = 1:size(a100,2);
z = 1:size(a100,3);
Now I can plot all but I want to superimpose all plots just hold on and plotting not works

Best Answer

Here are some options.
Compute and plot the maximum value at each pixel:
Compute and plot the minimum value at each pixel:
Compute and plot the sum of all the images:
Compute and plot the average of all the images: