MATLAB: Trouble loading in mixed data from txt file

datadata importloadMATLABtext file

I'm trying to load in data from a text file. The first two rows are headers, following the headers the first two columns are date and time. The rest of the columns are floats.
data should have 11 columns, however, whos returns that size is only 1×3
fid = fopen('allunderway.txt', 'rt');
data = textscan(fid, '%{M/dd/yyyy}D %{HH:mm:ss}D %4.2f %2.4f %2.5f %2.4f %2.4f %2.2f %4.2f %3.1f %1.4f', 'HeaderLines', 2, 'CollectOutput', true);
whos data
date = data{1};
time = data{2};
wnd_td = data{10};
wnd_ts = data{11};

Best Answer

You're adding 'CollectOutput' which is concatenating all the numeric columns into one. If you remove that, you should get the number of columns you expect.