MATLAB: How to read a txt file with values and strings


Each time I run a scenario, my script opens a file called changing.txt and adds a line with the important parameters and the filename for future statistical analysis. I want to open the file and have a variable for each column in the txt file. I will then look for duplicate scenario names and only analyze unique data for the statistical analysis. How do I do this?
%create a similar file to the one I'm working with
fmt='%8.1f %8.4f %8.1f %8.1f %s\r\n';%format for fprint
fclose (fileID);
%write a few lines with duplicates
fprintf(fileID,fmt, [ 1 2 3 4 'text.txt']);%write these values at the end of the file

fprintf(fileID,fmt, [ 4 3 2 1 'text2.txt']);%write these values at the end of the file
fprintf(fileID,fmt, [ 1 2 3 4 'text.txt']);%write these values at the end of the file
fprintf(fileID,fmt, [ 4 3 2 1 'text2.txt']);%write these values at the end of the file
fclose (fileID);
%open the file; one variable for each column in the text file
A = fscanf('changing.txt','%8.1f %8.4f %8.1f %8.1f %s\r\n') %(HELP HERE PLEASE)

Best Answer

A = fscanf('changing.txt','%8.1f %8.4f %8.1f %8.1f %s\r\n');
fid = fopen( 'changing.txt', 'r' );
cac = textscan( fid, '%f%f%f%f%s', 'Collectoutput',true );
[~] = fclose( fid );
where changing.txt contains
1 2 3 4 text.txt
4 3 2 1 text2.txt
1 2 3 4 text.txt
4 3 2 1 text2.txt
check output
>> cac{1}
ans =
1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1
1 2 3 4
4 3 2 1
>> cac{2}
ans =