MATLAB: Timeseries bug

MATLABtimeseries getdata

Helo, I was using Timeseries object and I found the example does not even run. When I followed the example
x = [2 5 8 2 11 3 6];
ts1 = timeseries(x,1:7);
ts1.Name = 'Daily Count';
ts1.TimeInfo.Units = 'days';
ts1.TimeInfo.StartDate='01-Jan-2011' % Set start date.
ts1.TimeInfo.Format = 'mmm dd, yy' % Set format for display on x-axis.
ts1.Time=ts1.Time-ts1.Time(1); % Express time relative to the start date.
the line
gives me a error:
Reference to non-existent field 'getData'.
Error in timeseries/get.Time (line 122) outtime = timeMetadata.getData;
Error in timeseries/display (line 48) locPrintSetting('Time:', locGetArrayStr(ts.Time));
Please help me with this issue. Thank you!

Best Answer

FYI, works fine on (R2011a).