MATLAB: Tic Tac Toe Win Checking Function

arraydoubletic tac toe

I'm writing a tic tac toe game and part of the 'coding rules' is that there should be a 'checkwin' function to see whether a player has won or not. I have defined two variables called 'tttXArray' and 'tttOArray' to see whether one player has gotten three in a row for horizontal, vertical, or diagonal inputs. This is the function with the tttXArray placed as an example:
function [won] = checkwin
%Check to see whether the game has been won or not
% Horizontal
if (tttXArray(1,1) == tttXArray(1,2) && tttXArray(1,1) == tttXArray(1,3))
won = 1;
elseif (tttXArray(2,1) == tttXArray(2,2) && tttXArray(2,1) == tttXArray(2,3))
won = 1;
elseif (tttXArray(3,1) == tttXArray(3,2) && tttXArray(3,1) == tttXArray(3,3))
won = 1;
% Vertical
elseif (tttXArray(1,1) == tttXArray(2,1) && tttXArray(1,1) == tttXArray(3,1))
won = 1;
elseif (tttXArray(1,2) == tttXArray(2,2) && tttXArray(1,2) == tttXArray(3,2))
won = 1;
elseif (tttXArray(1,3) == tttXArray(2,3) && tttXArray(1,3) == tttXArray(3,3))
won = 1;
% Diagonal
elseif (tttXArray(1,1) == tttXArray(2,2) && tttXArray(1,1) == tttXArray(3,3))
won = 1;
elseif (tttXArray(1,3) == tttXArray(2,2) && tttXArray(1,3) == tttXArray(3,1))
won = 1;
The error I get is:
Undefined function 'tttXArray' for input arguments of type 'double'.
What seems to be the problem?

Best Answer

Your function has no arguments. How do you expect it to know what those variables are?