MATLAB: Check taken location on Tic Tac Toe board

arrayscheck spotinput argumentstic tac toe

I'm trying to make a small function that checks whether a spot is taken on a Tic Tac Toe board or not. I have created an array of zeroes called tttArray where when each spot is filled, its location is changed to 1. So I first take the input from the player from the below function.
function [pXInputRow, pXInputCol] = pickXspot(playerInput)
%This function is to take inputs from Player X
pXInputRow = 0;
pXInputCol = 0;
%Set text for Row/Col Prompt
prompt = {'Row (1,2, or 3)', '(Col (1, 2, or 3)'};
name = 'Player X Turn';
%Show prompt to input values
playerInput = inputdlg(prompt, name);
pXInputRow = str2num(playerInput{2});
pXInputCol = str2num(playerInput{1});
tttArray(pXInputRow, pXInputCol) = 1;
And then use the below function to see if the spot is taken.
function [spotTaken] = checktaken(tttArray)
%Function used to check if spot is taken
%Setup Error Messages
errorMessage = 'This spot is taken, please choose another spot';
errorMessageTitle = 'Spot Taken';
if tttArray(pXInputRow, pXInputCol) || tttArray(pOInputRow, pOInputCol) == 1
msgbox(errorMessage, errorMessageTitle)
spotTaken = 1;
However, I keep getting the following error after I run and put a row/col in the prompt dialog box. Any Suggestions?
Not enough input arguments.
Error in checktaken (line 8)
if tttArray(pXInputRow, pXInputCol) || tttArray(pOInputRow, pOInputCol) == 1

Best Answer

So I solved the problem. First I did not pass the proper inputs to the function checktaken which obviously led to some errors. Then I rewrote my user input statements to use only 2 variables for rows/cols rather than 4, where there are 2 for each player. checktaken is rewritten as follows:
function [spotTaken] = checktaken(tttArray, x, y)
%This function is used to check if spot is taken
%Function takes users row/col input as indices for the taken locations
%array, 'tttArray'. It then returns whether the spot is taken or not.
%Setup Error Messages
errorMessage = 'This spot is taken, please choose another spot';
errorMessageTitle = 'Spot Taken';
spotTaken = 0; %Initialization
%If the location's value is 1(taken), show error message and return
%spotTaken as 1(true).
if tttArray(x,y) == 1
msgbox(errorMessage, errorMessageTitle)
spotTaken = 1;
And I take the input via
function [a,b] = pickunospot
%This nested function creates the prompt for the player and takes
%the inputs as indices to be used later on in our arrays
prompt = {'Row (1,2, or 3)', '(Col (1, 2, or 3)'};
name = 'Enter your choice of row or column';
pt=inputdlg(prompt, name);
a = str2num(pt{2});
b = str2num(pt{1});
and call it like this
[x,y] = pickunospot;
where x and y are the rows/cols and can be used as matrix indices in checktaken.