MATLAB: Thingspeak – Expired License message & upload stopped working

ThingSpeakthingspeak licence expired

After login I got sweet message:
Expired License
Your trial license has expired as of September 4, 2019.
In account settings:
License Type: Free
Expiration Date: 04 Dec 2019
Available Remaining
Messages 3 000 000 2 851 627
Channels 4 2
Upload to channels stopped working on september 4th…

Best Answer

Your request to re-activate your account has been addressed. Please log in to ThingSpeak and confirm you are able to send data to ThingSpeak using your existing account.
Please "accept" this answer if it has answered your question.
PS: I'd strongly suggest looking at the messages with "ACTION REQUIRED" in the subject line. If you were about to run out of messages, etc, the system automatically sends out these messages.