MATLAB: Thermal images

color barfever detectionthermal images

I want to do research using the thermal images to detect temperature for fever person. I want to ask, given the thermal images,and I have to input the image in matlab, how to verify the temperature in face to detect fever, is it based on the color in the image? Next, I have to use colorbar as indicator for temperature in the human face, how to set the color in colorbar parallel with the color in thermal image?
I really need your ideas regarding this matter since I am new for this toolbox. Thanks

Best Answer

You need to analyze the original grayscale image, not the rgb pseudocolored image. To verify you should look at pixel values and compare the intensity at that location with the temp measured with another device, like a thermometer, and use on individuals known to have, or not have, fever.
To apply pseudocolors, use the colormap() function. There are a variety of built-in colormaps you can choose from, in addition to building your own custom colormap.