MATLAB: The entries in tspan must strictly increase or decrease.

lsqcurvefit system of odes

Hi everyone,
I am following:
in fitting experimental data to a system of coupled differential equations. Yet I get an error message:
Error using odearguments (line 87)
The entries in tspan must strictly increase or decrease.
Error in ode45 (line 115)
odearguments(FcnHandlesUsed, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
Error in ODE4520Aug2018a/IntegratedModel (line 8)
Error in lsqcurvefit (line 213)
initVals.F = feval(funfcn_x_xdata{3},xCurrent,XDATA,varargin{:});
Error in ODE4520Aug2018a (line 89)
Caused by:
Failure in initial objective function evaluation. LSQCURVEFIT cannot continue."
Please see the m-file on the attachment.
function ODE4520Aug2018a
function C=IntegratedModel(k,t)
c0 = [0.01721262399 0.00000008759 67.022108400 0.00000487921 0.00000487921 49.17075376105 0.00000000000];
function dC=ODEloop(t,c)
A = 1.5e-6;
B = 1.66667e-5;
CC = 6.51332e-2;
D = 0;
E = 8.314;
F = 323.15;
G = 149;
H = 4.14e-6;
I = 1.39e-9;
J = 2.89e-9;
K = 8.4e-4;
L = 9.598e-4;
M = 5.15e+3;
N = 3.53e-9;
O = 1.07e-7;
P = 10;
Q = 8.825e-3;
R = 12.54;
S = 100.0869;
%k(1)= 0.84;
TT = 2703;
U = 1.7e-3;
V = 6.55e-8;
W = 6.24;
X =5.68e-5;
Y = 258.30;
Z = 2540;
AA = 0.00000933254;
dcdt(1) = (1/A) * (B * CC - B * c(1)) - ((c(1) * E * F - G * (((c(3) * AA.^2) / (AA.^2 + W * AA + W * X))))/((1/H) + (G/((1 + (I* c(5))/(J* c(3))) * K))));
dcdt(2) = (1/A) * (B * D - B * c(2)) - (L * (1 + (I* c(5))/(N * c(4)))) * (c(2)* E * F/M - (((c(3) * AA.^2) / (AA.^2 + U * AA + U * V))));
dcdt(3) = ((c(1) * E * F - G * ((c(3) * AA.^2) / (AA.^2 + W * AA + W * X)))/((1/H) + (G/((1 + (I* c(5))/(J* c(3)))*K)) - (0.162 * exp(-5153 / F) * ((( c(5) * ( (c(3) * W * X) / (AA.^2 + W * AA + W * X) )) / O) - 1).^3 * (P / (( c(5) * ( (c(3) * W * X) / (AA.^2 + W * AA + W * X) )) / O)))));
dcdt(4) = (L * (1 + (I* c(5)) / (N * c(4))) * (((c(2)* E * F) / M)) - ((c(3) * AA.^2) / (AA.^2 + U * AA + U * V))) - (-Q * R * S * c(6) * c(7) * (1 - (k(1) * c(7)) / (1 + k(1) * c(7))));
dcdt(5) = (-Q * R * S * c(6) * c(7) *(1 -(k(1) * c(7)) / (1 + k(1) * c(7)))) - (0.162 * exp(-5153/F) * (((c(5) * ( (c(3) * W * X) / (AA.^2 + W * AA + W * X) )) / O) - 1).^3 * (P / ((c(5) * ( (c(3) * W * X) / (AA.^2 + W * AA + W * X) )) / O)));
dcdt(6) = -c(6) * (-Q * R * S * c(6) * c(7) * (1 - (k(1) * c(7)) / ( 1 + k(1) * c(7)))) * S / TT;
dcdt(7) = (-Q * R * S * c(6) * c(7) * (1- (k(1) * c(7))/(1 + k(1) * c(7))))* (Y/ Z);
0.01721262399 0.00000008759 67.022108400 0.00000487921 0.00000487921 49.17075376105 0.00000000000
0.01700907268 0.00000010281 138.644926345 0.00000511161 0.00000511161 49.60948155721 0.00000000000
0.01741617529 0.00000036495 1002.322509102 0.00000535393 0.00000535393 30.91118867616 9.33482826985
k0 = [0.84];
tv = linspace(min(t), max(t));
Cfit = IntegratedModel(k, tv);
plot(t, c, 'v')
hold on
hlp = plot(tv, Cfit);
hold off
xlabel('Time (sec)')
ylabel('Concentration (mol/m^3)')
legend(hlp, 'CSO_2,Headspace', 'C_{CO_2,Headspace}','C_(S_total}','C_{C_total}','C_{Ca^{2+}_total}','C_{CaCO_3}', 'Ca^2+', 'C_{H^{+}}', 'Location','E')

Best Answer

You have
k0 is being passed in the x0 position -- an initial guess at the parameters to be found.
c is being passed in the xdata position.
t is being passed in the ydata position.
lsqcurvefit will then call IntegratedModel passing in "a vector or matrix x, and a vector or matrix xdata". Here, x would refer to the trial parameter whose effect is to be calculated at the positions given by xdata.
You are receiving the values in IntegratedModel under the names k and t. k is consistent with your naming use of passing in k0 and expecting k to be output. However, the second position is having xdata passed in, and your xdata is your c matrix, a 3 x 7 matrix which is not in numeric ascending or descending order.
In IntegratedModel you attempt to pass this "t" in to ode45 as if it were tspan values... but it isn't.
Perhaps your code should have been