MATLAB: Nonlinear data fitting for a system of ODE using lsqcurvefit (finding unknown parameters)

curve fittingdifferential equationsodeoptimizationparameter estimationsolvesystem of ode

I have a set of experimental data in staedy state condtion(without time dependent). This experiment has been done at 4 different concentration including 3 compounds. the values of concentration at inlet(x=0) and outlet(x=1) are known. i used ODE15s to solve the differenial equations and find the values at outlet and then compare them with real values to find the unknown kinitic parameters(i followed but when i ran the code i got some error as below: Not enough input arguments.
Error in Untitled10>objfun (line 25)
Error in lsqcurvefit (line 202)
initVals.F = feval(funfcn_x_xdata{3},xCurrent,XDATA,varargin{:});
Error in Untitled10 (line 20)
Caused by:
Failure in initial objective function evaluation. LSQCURVEFIT cannot continue.

Best Answer

[kfit,Rsdnrm,Rsd,ExFlg,OptmInfo,Lmda,Jmat]=lsqcurvefit(@(K) objfun(K,Y0,x),K,Cin,yy)