MATLAB: The default interpreter for the ‘title’ command is ‘tex’. How can the default be changed to ‘latex’

default settingfactory settinginterpreterlatexMATLABtitle

There are factory settings for other interpreters, that can be accessed by typing
I have written a script to change all the 'interpreters' to 'latex', my preference. However, I do not see a factory setting for the
command. I wish to avoid having to type
every time. Can someone help? Thank you.

Best Answer

ax = gca;
ax.Title.String = '';
ax.Title.Interpreter = 'latex';
set(groot,'DefaultAxesTitle', ax.Title);

This is a complete title() object that gets set.

Each time you create a new axes, it will set the axes Title object to the object that was created. This will set the Parent of the Title object to be the appropriate axes, which will stop it from displaying where it was and start displaying it in the new axes. Any change in the new axes (such as to the string) will affect the properties for all of the other axes it is set to, because all of those axes will have handles to the same Title object. delete() of any one of the references will delete it for all of the references.

You will probably find this highly unsatisfactory... but you asked ;-)

There does not appear to be any way to set just the Interpreter property by the groot/default mechanism. This is unfortunate.