MATLAB: Setting Default Properties for a Colorbar Label


When I set default property values on groot, the properties are not applied to colorbar labels.  For example, see the following code:
>> set(groot,'defaultTextInterpreter','latex')
>> figure; ax=axes;
>> cb=colorbar;
>> cb.Label.Interpreter
>> ax.XLabel.Interpreter
When the code is executed, the XLabel Interpreter is 'latex' but the colorbar label Interpreter is 'tex'.
How can I set the default properties of the colorbar label? 

Best Answer

As of MATLAB R2017b, it is not possible to set property defaults that apply to the colorbar label. 
As a workaround, you can set the properties of the colorbar label after the colorbar has been defined.  For example, you can use the following code to set the interpreter for the colorbar label:
>> figure;
>> cb=colorbar;
>> cb.Label.Interpreter='latex';