MATLAB: Textscan,skip 4 first line and import olny 2 columm….


=============================================================================== ANSOFT CORPORATION 05/01/13 XY Plot 1 20:34:28
——————————————————————————- Freq [GHz] dB(St(pinin_T1,pinin_T1)) []
2.000000000000000 -2.389177046115443
2.020000000000000 -1.373221057933849
2.040000000000000 -0.898399723681567
2.060000000000000 -0.661901265367355
how can i skip the 4 first lines(headerlines = 4;) and then import only the second columm to a matrix? then the matrix A will have only one columm and i want this one columm matrix to become one row matrix…. for example B=(-2.39 -1.37 -0.89 -0.66)
thank you…

Best Answer

fid = fopen('sample.txt');
Input all:
D = cell2mat(textscan(fid, '%f%f', 'headerlines', 4));
Select just the second column and transpose to turn into row:
B = D(:,2)';