MATLAB: Textscan 4th row into one string


I have a huge file that I want to read only the 4th row with delimiter ';'. I want to read everything in this row into one single string so that I can count the number of ';' and determine how many columns there are. What is the code to do this?
I have tried
result = textread('U:\EMC\SMI8A_75_FA.csv', '%s', 1, 'headerlines', 3);
but the results are off.

Best Answer

One way using textscan
fid = fopen( 'U:\EMC\SMI8A_75_FA.csv', 'r' );
result = textscan( fid, '%s', 1, 'headerlines',3, 'Delimiter','\n');
fclose( fid );