MATLAB: Textscan Usage. One character in one cell.


I have a text file in which following characters are written
I want to store it in a cell array of order 1 X 5 , with each character in one cell.
I tried using Textscan as follows, but it gives only 1X1 cell with all characters in one cell.
Kindly Help.

Best Answer

>> fid = fopen('in.txt')
>> data = textscan(fid,'%c')
data =
[5x1 char]
>> fclose(fid)
data is a 1x1 Cell which contains a 1x5 Char Array. And in the case you really need a cell you can use mat2cell:
new_data = mat2cell(data{1},ones(numel(data{1}),1),1)