MATLAB: Conversion of daily cell into monthly cell.

daily cell

hi,for me this is little hard to explain please try to understand have created on the cell.(attached) it contains hourly wind data (direction and speed) against each day.
<24x2 double> 736055
<24x2 double> 736056
<24x2 double> 736057
<24x2 double> 736058
now I want to create a cell which will contain hourly wind data (direction and speed) against each month.
I don't want to average. I want to append wind data after each 24 hours for each month.
i hope you understand

Best Answer

[Y,M] = datevec([day_wise_wind_chembur{:,2}]');
[a,~,c] = unique([Y,M],'rows');
out = [num2cell(a,2),...