MATLAB: Textscan is only reading the first two lines of the CSV file, how can I fix this


I have a CSV file with 18 columns and 27,915 rows called 'SenoiaRWIS.csv'. I have attached a CSV file containing the first 5 lines of SenoiaRWIS for reference.
I have tried to read in each column with a separately specified format using textscan as follows:
fid = fopen('SenoiaRWIS.csv'); data = textscan(fid,%f%s%s%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%f%s%f%f%f%s, 'Delimiter', ',');
However, this has returned a 1×18 cell where each cell contains just 2 entries, the entries being those of the first two rows of the file. Does anyone have any idea why it stops at the second row?
Thank you for your help

Best Answer

The 10th field is expected to be numeric, %f format, but the 10th field of your second line is \N which is a string. The reading would stop at that point.
I suggest you look at the TreatAsMissing option.