MATLAB: Tall array with sqlite3

databaseDatabase ToolboxdatabasedatastoreMATLABsqlite3tall array

I have a sqlite3 database (.db) stored in my hard drive, and I would like to use the tall array functionality with it. The problem is that I cannot connect to it using the databaseDatastore function. Running:
dbpath = fullfile(pwd,'options.db');
conn = sqlite(dbpath,'readonly');
dbds = databaseDatastore(conn,'SELECT * FROM DATA');
I get an error saying that the value of 'conn' is invalid, and that I should be using 'database.jdbc.connection'.
Question: I have a sqlite3 database and want to use tall arrays with it. How do I do it?
Thanks for helping! 😀

Best Answer

Save yourself a headache and use sqlite() instead.
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