MATLAB: Tab completion in R2015b; bug or feature

MATLABr2015btab completion

The behavior of tab completion in R2015b has changed w.r.t. R2014b. I have a class called Example and an instance (of Example) called example. When I type exam and press tab, R2014b completes to example (and shows that Example and example exist), but R2015b completes to Example (and shows that Example and example exist). Subsequently, I have to press the down arrow key to select example. This is extremely annoying (as I have many such classes and instances, having long names). I checked the tab completion options in both of my Matlab versions and these are equal. By the way, this also works for variables having the same names but different capitalization. Try "example = 1; Example = 2; eXample = 3; EXample = 4;" and explore the differences in tab completion when typing exam or Exam in R2015b and R2014b. This might or might not occur also in R2015a. I would guess this is a bug. Or is it a feature?

Best Answer

My guess is that the change in behavior you see is related to item 3 in the Desktop section of the Release Notes for MATLAB release R2015b:
"Tab Completion: Complete commands with corrected capitalization"
Having two identifiers (example and Example) that differ only by case is likely, in my experience, to lead to confusion and a difficult to debug problem down the line.