MATLAB: Tab Auto-complete is Partially Broken in -nodesktop mode


When I start MATLAB R2015a using: /usr/local/MATLAB/R2015a/bin/matlab -nodesktop -nosplash  in Ubuntu 14.10
I make a variable. e.g. 
>> dataBlob=1:10
and enter:
>> plot(dataB
and press tab to auto-complete. This works.  However if enter:
>> plot(dataB , 'ob')
and then type the same command
>> plot(dataB
and press tab it will not auto-complete. Worse, it mangles the line. 
The auto-complete works correctly in the GUI and it works correctly with -nodesktop in 2014b. I experience this behavior is the same using the KDE terminal emulator, Konsole, and xfce4-terminal. It also happens on the non-GUI tty1. Is there a way to fix this unexpected behavior?

Best Answer

This is a bug in R2015a on Linux machines.  There are two workarounds.  The first is to use MATLAB's graphical user interface in R2015a.  The second is to upgrade to R2015b or higher as the bug has been fixed in newer versions of MATLAB.