MATLAB: Surf plot is only showing grid (not surface)

3d plotssurf

I'm using the following code, but not getting a surface plot (rather, only the wiring underneath). Do you know why this might be? Thanks in advance for your help.
rotation = RotationToRotationStructure_Data(:,1);
exactK = ScalingToRotationStructure_Data(:,1);
scale_tx = ScalingToRotationStructure_Data(:,2);
scale_ty = ScalingToRotationStructure_Data(:,3);
rot_tx = RotationToRotationStructure_Data(:,2);
rot_ty = RotationToRotationStructure_Data(:,3);
scale_ReportX = ScalingToRotationStructure_Data(:,4);
scale_ReportY = ScalingToRotationStructure_Data(:,5);
rot_ReportX = RotationToRotationStructure_Data(:,4);
rot_ReportY = RotationToRotationStructure_Data(:,5);
nUniquePert = numel(unique(exactK(1:240,1)));
%expected values
thetaHat = zeros(2400,1);
rot_scaleHat = thetaHat;
for j = 1:length(thetaHat);
scale_expected_ReportX(j) = exactK(j)*scale_tx(j) + ...
scale_expected_ReportY(j) = -exactK(j)*scale_tx(j) + ...
rot_expected_ReportX(j) = 1*cos(rotation(j))*rot_tx(j) + ...
rot_expected_ReportY(j) = -1*sin(rotation(j))*rot_tx(j) + ...
scale_goodfit(j) = rmse(scale_expected_ReportX(j) - scale_ReportX(j), scale_expected_ReportY(j) - scale_ReportY(j));
rot_goodfit(j) = rmse(rot_expected_ReportX(j) - rot_ReportX(j), rot_expected_ReportY(j) - rot_ReportY(j));
x = repmat(thetaHat, 1, 2); y = repmat(exactK, 1, 2);
z = repmat(scale_goodfit',1,2);
colormap hsv;
h = surf(x, y, z);

Best Answer

You effectively do not have a surface. Your x is completely 0, and your y appears to be unsorted.
If you truly want an x that is all zero, then I suggest you sort exactK and save it and the sorting order, and also use that sorting order to sort scale_goodfit before constructing your z. surf() the sorted exactK and the corresponding constructed z.