MATLAB: Plz help me to find the solution of error in kron( )


I am getting the error as:
??? Error using ==> vertcat Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
this is a code in 2*2 mimo in qpsk .
N = 1000000; % number of bits or symbols
Eb_N0_dB = [0:25]; % multiple Eb/N0 values
nTx = 2;
nRx = 2;
for ii = 1:length(Eb_N0_dB)
% Transmitter
ip = (rand(1,N)>0.5) + j*(rand(1,N)>0.5); % generating 0,1 with equal probability
s = 2*ip-(1+j);
sMod = kron(s,ones(nRx,1)); %
sMod = reshape(sMod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]); % grouping in [nRx,nTx,N/NTx ] matrix
h = 1/sqrt(2)*[randn(nRx,nTx,N/nTx) + j*randn(nRx,nTx,N/nTx)]; % Rayleigh channel
n = 1/sqrt(2)*[randn(nRx,N/nTx) + j*randn(nRx,N/nTx)]; % white gaussian noise, 0dB variance
% Channel and noise Noise addition
y = squeeze(sum(h.*sMod,2)) + 10^(-Eb_N0_dB(ii)/20)*n;
% Maximum Likelihood Receiver
% ----------------------------
% if [s1 s2 ] = [-1-1, -1-1]
sHat1 = [-1-j -1-j];
sHat1 = repmat(sHat1,[1 N/2]);
sHat1Mod = kron(sHat1,ones(nRx,1));
sHat1Mod = reshape(sHat1Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat1 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat1Mod,2)) ;
J1 = sum(abs(y - zHat1),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [-1 -1 -1 1]
sHat2 = [-1-j -1+j];
sHat2 = repmat(sHat2,[1 N/2]);
sHat2Mod = kron(sHat2,ones(nRx,1));
sHat2Mod = reshape(sHat2Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat2 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat2Mod,2)) ;
J2 = sum(abs(y - zHat2),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [-1 -1 1 -1]
sHat3 = [-1-j 1-j];
sHat3 = repmat(sHat3,[1 N/2]);
sHat3Mod = kron(sHat3,ones(nRx,1));
sHat3Mod = reshape(sHat3Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat3 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat3Mod,2)) ;
J3 = sum(abs(y - zHat3),1);
% if [s1 s2] = [-1 -1 1 1]
sHat4 = [-1-j 1+j];
sHat4 = repmat(sHat4,[1 N/2]);
sHat4Mod = kron(sHat4,ones(nRx,1));
sHat4Mod = reshape(sHat4Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat4 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat4Mod,2)) ;
J4 = sum(abs(y - zHat4),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [-1 1 -1 -1]
sHat5 = [-1+j -1-j];
sHat5 = repmat(sHat5,[1 N/2]);
sHat5Mod = kron(sHat5,ones(nRx,1));
sHat5Mod = reshape(sHat5Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat5 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat5Mod,2)) ;
J5 = sum(abs(y - zHat5),1);
% if [s1 s2] = [-1 1 -1 1]
sHat6 = [-1+j -1+j];
sHat6 = repmat(sHat6,[1 N/2]);
sHat6Mod = kron(sHat6,ones(nRx,1));
sHat6Mod = reshape(sHat6Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat6 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat6Mod,2)) ;
J6 = sum(abs(y - zHat6),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [-1 1 1 -1]
sHat7 = [-1+j 1-j];
sHat7 = repmat(sHat7,[1 N/2]);
sHat7Mod = kron(sHat7,ones(nRx,1));
sHat7Mod = reshape(sHat7Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat7 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat7Mod,2)) ;
J7 = sum(abs(y - zHat7),1);
% if [s1 s2] = [-1 1 1 1]
sHat8 = [-1+j 1+j];
sHat8 = repmat(sHat8,[1 N/2]);
sHat8Mod = kron(sHat8,ones(nRx,1));
sHat8Mod = reshape(sHat8Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat8 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat8Mod,2)) ;
J8 = sum(abs(y - zHat8),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [1 -1 -1 -1]
sHat9 = [1-j -1-j];
sHat9 = repmat(sHat9,[1 N/2]);
sHat9Mod = kron(sHat9,ones(nRx,1));
sHat9Mod = reshape(sHat9Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat9 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat9Mod,2)) ;
J9 = sum(abs(y - zHat9),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [1 -1 -1 1]
sHat10 = [1-j -1+j];
sHat10 = repmat(sHat10,[1 N/2]);
sHat10Mod = kron(sHat10,ones(nRx,1));
sHat10Mod = reshape(sHat10Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat10 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat10Mod,2)) ;
J10 = sum(abs(y - zHat10),1);
% if [s1 s2] = [1 -1 1 -1]
sHat11 = [1-j 1-j];
sHat11 = repmat(sHat11,[1 N/2]);
sHat11Mod = kron(sHat11,ones(nRx,1));
sHat11Mod = reshape(sHat11Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat11 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat11Mod,2)) ;
J11 = sum(abs(y - zHat11),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [1 -1 1 1]
sHat12 = [1-j 1+j];
sHat12 = repmat(sHat12,[1 N/2]);
sHat12Mod = kron(sHat12,ones(nRx,1));
sHat12Mod = reshape(sHat12Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat12 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat12Mod,2)) ;
J12 = sum(abs(y - zHat12),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [1 1 -1 -1]
sHat13 = [1+j -1-j];
sHat13 = repmat(sHat13,[1 N/2]);
sHat13Mod = kron(sHat13,ones(nRx,1));
sHat13Mod = reshape(sHat13Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat13 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat13Mod,2)) ;
J13 = sum(abs(y - zHat13),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [1 1 -1 1]
sHat14 = [1+j -1+j];
sHat14 = repmat(sHat14,[1 N/2]);
sHat14Mod = kron(sHat14,ones(nRx,1));
sHat14Mod = reshape(sHat14Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat14 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat14Mod,2)) ;
J14 = sum(abs(y - zHat14),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [1 1 1 -1]
sHat15 = [1+j 1-j];
sHat15 = repmat(sHat15,[1 N/2]);
sHat15Mod = kron(sHat15,ones(nRx,1));
sHat15Mod = reshape(sHat15Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat15 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat15Mod,2)) ;
J15 = sum(abs(y - zHat15),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [1 1 1 1]
sHat16 = [1+j 1+j];
sHat16 = repmat(sHat16,[1 N/2]);
sHat16Mod = kron(sHat16,ones(nRx,1));
sHat16Mod = reshape(sHat16Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat16 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat16Mod,2)) ;
J16 = sum(abs(y - zHat16),1);
% finding the minimum from the four alphabet combinations
rVec = [J1;J2;J3;J4;J5;J6;J7;J8;J9;J10;J11;J12;J13;J14;J15;J16];
[jj dd] = min(rVec,[],1);
% mapping the minima to bits
ref = [['00' '00']; ['00' '01']; ['00' '10']; ['00' '11'];
['01' '00']; ['01' '01']; ['01' '10']; ['01' '11'];
['10' '00']; ['10' '01']; ['10' '10']; ['10' '11'];
['11' '00']; ['11' '01']; ['11' '10']; ['11' '11']];
ipHat = zeros(1,N);
ipHat(1:2:end) = ref(dd,1);
ipHat(2:2:end) = ref(dd,2);
% counting the errors
nErr(ii) = size(find([ip - ipHat]),2);
simBer = nErr/N; % simulated ber
% EbN0Lin = 10.^(Eb_N0_dB/10);
% theoryBer_nRx1 = 0.5.*(1-1*(1+1./EbN0Lin).^(-0.5));
% p = 1/2 - 1/2*(1+1./EbN0Lin).^(-1/2);
% theoryBerMRC_nRx2 = p.^2.*(1+2*(1-p));
close all
semilogy(Eb_N0_dB,simBer,'mo-','LineWidth',2) ;
hold on ;
axis([0 25 10^-5 1]);
title( 'BER for QPSK modulation with 2x2 MIMO and ML equalizer (Rayleigh channel)' );
grid on;
legend('sim (nTx=2, nRx=2, ML)');
xlabel('Average Eb/No,dB');
ylabel('Bit Error Rate');

Best Answer

Perhaps you can switch to using integer data types. (Yes, it is allowed to create complex numbers based on an integer type.)
As usual, the easiest fix is to use a 64 bit operating system, 64 bit version of MATLAB, and a system with a decent amount of physical memory.
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