MATLAB: Sum of signals and filter the sum and recuperate the inicial frequencies

filterfilteringsum of signals

Hello, I am new to matlab,
I would like to generate two diffrent sinus signal with diffrent frequencies f1 and f2. One generated I want to do the sum of them (let's call it totalSignal) . Next, I want t filter the total signal and recuperate f1 and f2.
Any body can help me?

Best Answer

Making the simulated signal is quite simple. First, make a vector t which covers the time domain you are interested in. Then, generate your two sine vectors from this x, and add them together:
t=0.001:0.001:1; %this gives you t that starts from 0.001, in steps of 0.001, up to 1.
totalSignal=sin(2*pi*f1*t)+sin(2*pi*f2*t); %two signals with frequency 10 and 100 Hz, lets imagine.
Now that you have your signal, you can look into different options for recovering your original input frequencies. Fourier analysis is a great way of achievting this - check out the fft documentation for more info.