MATLAB: How to plot frequency spectrum of a signal in matlab

dspSignal Processing Toolboxspectrum

Hi. I want to plot frequency spectrum of a signal. I got this coding based on the sources that I found from the internet but my lecturer said this is not frequency spectrum. Can somebody help me on this?
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%Define number of samples to take
fs = 8000;
f = 400; %Hz
%Define signal
t = 0:1/fs:1-1/fs;
signal = sin(2*pi*f*t);
%Plot to illustrate that it is a sine wave
plot(t, signal);
title('Time-Domain signal');
%Take fourier transform
fftSignal = fft(signal);
%apply fftshift to put it in the form we are used to (see documentation)
fftSignal = fftshift(fftSignal);
%Next, calculate the frequency axis, which is defined by the sampling rate
f = fs/2*linspace(-1,1,fs);
%Since the signal is complex, we need to plot the magnitude to get it to
%look right, so we use abs (absolute value)
plot(f, abs(fftSignal));
title('magnitude FFT of sine');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
noise = 2*randn(size(signal));
figure, plot(t,noise), title('Time-Domain Noise');
fftNoise = fft(noise);
fftNoise = fftshift(fftNoise);
figure, plot(f,abs(fftNoise)), title('Magnitude FFT of noise');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
%noisy signal
noisySignal = signal + noise;
figure, plot(t,noisySignal), title('Time-Domain Noisy Signal');
fftNoisySignal = fft(noisySignal);
fftNoisySignal = fftshift(fftNoisySignal);
figure, plot(f,abs(fftNoisySignal)), title('Magnitude FFT of noisy signal');
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');

Best Answer

Hi there!
I don't know why your instructor didn't like it! Maybe it's missing a division and he is picky on that!
fftNoisySignal = fft(NoisySignal)./numel(NoisySignal);
Maybe that is the case, basically the magnitude of the fft has an issue, I guess! You need to apply this division on every fft command you use.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
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