MATLAB: Substruct array disappear when a struc object is assigned

MATLABnested structstructstructures

Hi guys,
I have started to use struct to create nested arrays which will be assigned in a second time , for example:
S = struct( ...
'A', struct( ...
'A_ID', struct( ...
'C', [], ...
'D', [], ...
'E', struct( ...
'EF',[], ...
'EG',[], ...
'EH',[], ...
but when i try to assign the object values, something strange happens, the substructure information disappeares. For examples i assign to the first postion of the object A_ID the value of C = 'test1'
and i obtain
S.A.A_ID(1) =
  • C: 'test1'
  • D: []
  • E: [1×1 struct]
now if i assign a new value for C in a new position of A_ID for example
i don't obtain
S.A.A_ID(2) =
  • C: 'test2'
  • D: []
  • E: [1×1 struct]
S.A.A_ID(2) =
  • C: 'test2'
  • D: []
  • E: []
and i lost all the information contained in the nested struct E !!
i don't really understand why, have someone an idea??
thank's in advance

Best Answer

Luca - the substructure (for the second element) doesn't disappear as it was never there to begin with. Since you are initializing it for the first time with
then the D and E will be set with default values of the empty matrix for each. You would need to copy the elements over from S.A.A_ID(1).
Remember, when you initialize your S as above, then
is just one. There is no second element, and S.A.A_ID is identical/equivalent to S.A.A_ID(1).