MATLAB: Subsetting a rectengular matrix


I am have a 5139 x 30 matrix.
I want to split this into 39 subsets.
How can I do this in a for loop condition in MATLAB? Think like this. First subset having 132 rows all columns. The second subset having 132+132 rows all columns, the third subset having 133+132+132 rows all columns. This will go on until 5139 rows is reached. This is how I need this actually.
Thank you.

Best Answer

What you asked for will not fit. There is only enough data for each block to have 131, with 9 left over that could be distributed
N = 39;
R = size(YourMatrix,1);
pos = floor(linspace(1,R,N+1));
pos(end) = R+1;
sizes = diff(pos);
subsets = mat2cell(YourMatrix, sizes, size(YourMatrix,2));