MATLAB: Deleting/selecting and subsetting specific slices in a multi-dimensional array

subset multi-dimensional arrays

I have three variables that are three-dimensional arrays of the size 699 (say, x or rows) x 699 (say, y or columns) x 60 (say, z or slices). I have first computed certain indices using certain conditions. E.g.,
idxs = Z > 5000 & W > 1 & M_tot > 0.05; % Idx is now a logical array of size 699 x 699 x 60.
Now, for further analysis, I am interested in keeping only those slices that satisfy the above conditions. In other words, I want to delete those slices where the idxs at a given x,y are zeros for all z. I used the any function below to create a subset:
subset_idx = any(idxs,3);
This creates a 699 x 699 logical array where I would like to keep all the points corresponding to 1 and delete all the rows and columns corresponding to a 0. This should give me a subset array of size nx, ny, 60 where nx and ny are much less than 699. How do I achieve this?
I tried something like this:
todelete_idx = ~(any(idxs,3)); Size : 699 x 699 logical
idxs(todelete_idx,:) = [];
However, this produces an error since the todelete_idx is a two-dimensional array and I am unable to subset it like this. What is the way around this?

Best Answer

This may not be the most efficient way, but you can take that 2D logical array and rebuild your 3D logical array:
subset_3D = and(subset_idx,true(1,1,size(idxs,3)));