MATLAB: Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch for table variable


I'm having troubles preallocating a table. My data looks something similar to this where one of the columns of the table is not just a scalar. What should I put for varTypes?
T_partialdata = table([1;2;3],[4,4;5,5;6,6],[7;8;9])
sz = [10 3];
varTypes = {'double','double','double'};
T = table('Size', sz, 'VariableTypes', varTypes, 'VariableNames', {'A','B','C'})
T(1:3,:) = T_partialdata

Best Answer

I dont know how to define it from size but there's an other way
T_partialdata = table([1;2;3],[4,4;5,5;6,6],[7;8;9])
sz = [10 3];
varTypes = {'double','double','double'};
T = table('Size', sz, 'VariableTypes', varTypes, 'VariableNames', {'A','B','C'});
T.B = zeros(sz(1),2); % defining the size of variable
T(1:3,:) = T_partialdata