MATLAB: Is there a way to create and preallocate for tables with a large number of variables (can all be of same type e.g. double) without having to specify each variable independently

create tables with large numbers of variablesMATLAB

I want to create tables with a large number of variables (i.e. many columns of data all of type double) so using for example
sz =[1000,1000]; vartype = {'double','double',….,'double'}; T = table{'Size',sz,'VariableTypes',vartype};
is not reasonable. I assume there's an easier way to do this (i.e. without having to write 'double' thousands of times), but haven't been able to find it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Best Answer

sz =[1000,1000];
vartype = repmat({'double'},1,sz(2)) ;
T = table('Size',sz,'VariableTypes',vartype);