MATLAB: Subs Function Memory Leak

leakMATLABmemorymemory leaksubssubs function

Hi, I'm running a function (for discussion purposes I'll call it myfun.m) which utilizes both "solve()" and "subs()" function. Multiple runs of the myfun causes longer and longer execution times. I believe this issue is some sort of memory leak. If I close out of Matlab, open it back up, and execute myfun, it runs at the normal speed. If I continue executing it over and over it then begins to slow down. I was running 2007, but I'm upgrading to 2010. Has this problem been fixed? Is there some sort of clear function I can use that preserves my variables but clears whatever objects are being generated by subs or solve?

Best Answer

solve() uses mupad which has its own memory area. Try using