MATLAB: How do i merge the first and second cylinder surface


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%control point for first surface
P0 = [1 0 0]; P1 = [1 2 0]; P2 = [2 2 0]; P3 = [2 0 0];
P4 = [1 0 1]; P5 = [1 2 1]; P6 = [2 2 1]; P7 = [2 0 1];
P8 = [1 0 2]; P9 = [1 2 2]; P10 = [2 2 2]; P11 = [2 0 2];
P12 = [1 0 3]; P13 = [1 2 3]; P14 = [2 2 3]; P15 = [2 0 3];
phi=1;%scaling factor
B1=-1;%shape parameter lambda
B2=-1;%shape parameter miu
%control point for second surface
P3; G17; P18 = [1 -2 0]; P19 = [1 0 0];
P7; G21; P22 = [1 -2 1]; P23 = [1 0 1];
P11; G25; P26 = [1 -2 2]; P27 = [1 0 2];
P15; G29; P30 = [1 -2 3]; P31 = [1 0 3];
%control point for third surface
P12; P13; P14; P15;
P32 = [1 0 4];P33 = [1 2 4]; P34 = [2 2 4]; P35 = [2 0 4];
P36 = [1 0 5];P37 = [1 2 5]; P38 = [2 2 5]; P39 = [2 0 5];
P40 = [1 0 6];P41 = [1 2 6]; P42 = [2 2 6]; P43 = [2 0 6];
%control point for fourth surface
P15;G44;P48 = [1 -2 3]; P49 = [1 0 3];
P35;G45;P50 = [1 -2 4]; P51 = [1 0 4];
P39;G46;P52 = [1 -2 5]; P53 = [1 0 5];
P43;G47;P54 = [1 -2 6]; P55 = [1 0 6];
Gx=[P0(1) P1(1) P2(1) P3(1);P4(1) P5(1) P6(1) P7(1);P8(1) P9(1) P10(1) P11(1);P12(1) P13(1) P14(1) P15(1)];
Gy=[P0(2) P1(2) P2(2) P3(2);P4(2) P5(2) P6(2) P7(2);P8(2) P9(2) P10(2) P11(2);P12(2) P13(2) P14(2) P15(2)];
Gz=[P0(3) P1(3) P2(3) P3(3);P4(3) P5(3) P6(3) P7(3);P8(3) P9(3) P10(3) P11(3);P12(3) P13(3) P14(3) P15(3)];
Gx1=[P3(1) G17(1) P18(1) P19(1);P7(1) G21(1) P22(1) P23(1);P11(1) G25(1) P26(1) P27(1);P15(1) G29(1) P30(1) P31(1)];
Gy1=[P3(2) G17(2) P18(2) P19(2);P7(2) G21(2) P22(2) P23(2);P11(2) G25(2) P26(2) P27(2);P15(2) G29(2) P30(2) P31(2)];
Gz1=[P3(3) G17(3) P18(3) P19(3);P7(3) G21(3) P22(3) P23(3);P11(3) G25(3) P26(3) P27(3);P15(3) G29(3) P30(3) P31(3)];
Gx2=[P12(1) P13(1) P14(1) P15(1);P32(1) P33(1) P34(1) P35(1);P36(1) P37(1) P38(1) P39(1);P40(1) P41(1) P42(1) P43(1)];
Gy2=[P12(2) P13(2) P14(2) P15(2);P32(2) P33(2) P34(2) P35(2);P36(2) P37(2) P38(2) P39(2);P40(2) P41(2) P42(2) P43(2)];
Gz2=[P12(3) P13(3) P14(3) P15(3);P32(3) P33(3) P34(3) P35(3);P36(3) P37(3) P38(3) P39(3);P40(3) P41(3) P42(3) P43(3)];
Gx3=[P15(1) G44(1) P48(1) P49(1);P35(1) G45(1) P50(1) P51(1);P39(1) G46(1) P52(1) P53(1);P43(1) G47(1) P54(1) P55(1)];
Gy3=[P15(2) G44(2) P48(2) P49(2);P35(2) G45(2) P50(2) P51(2);P39(2) G46(2) P52(2) P53(2);P43(2) G47(2) P54(2) P55(2)];
Gz3=[P15(3) G44(3) P48(3) P49(3);P35(3) G45(3) P50(3) P51(3);P39(3) G46(3) P52(3) P53(3);P43(3) G47(3) P54(3) P55(3)];
T=[p.^0 sin(p) (sin(p).^2) (sin(p).^3) cos(p) (cos(p).^2) (cos(p).^3)];
A=[1 0 0 1;
-(B1+2) (2+B1) 0 0;
((2*B1)+1) -(2+2*B1) 0 0;
-B1 B1 0 0;
0 0 2+B2 -(B2+2);
0 0 -((2*B2)+2) ((2*B2)+1);
0 0 B2 -B2];
z1 = T*A*Gx*AA*TT;
z2 = T*A*Gy*AA*TT;
z3 = T*A*Gz*AA*TT;
z4 = T*A*Gx1*AA*TT;
z5 = T*A*Gy1*AA*TT;
z6 = T*A*Gz1*AA*TT;
z7 = T*A*Gx2*AA*TT;
z8 = T*A*Gy2*AA*TT;
z9 = T*A*Gz2*AA*TT;
z10 = T*A*Gx3*AA*TT;
z11 = T*A*Gy3*AA*TT;
z12 = T*A*Gz3*AA*TT;
X = [z1 z4];
Y = [z2 z5];
Z = [z3 z6];
X1 =[z4 z1];
Y1 =[z5 z2];
Z1 =[z6 z3];
X2 = [z7 z10];
Y2 = [z8 z11];
Z2 = [z9 z12];
X3 =[z10 z7];
Y3 =[z11 z8];
Z3 =[z12 z9];
scatter3([P0(1),P1(1),P2(1),P3(1),P4(1),P5(1),P6(1),P7(1),P8(1),P9(1),P10(1),P11(1),P12(1),P13(1),P14(1),P15(1)],[P0(2),P1(2),P2(2),P3(2),P4(2),P5(2),P6(2),P7(2),P8(2),P9(2),P10(2),P11(2),P12(2),P13(2),P14(2),P15(2)],[P0(3),P1(3),P2(3),P3(3),P4(3),P5(3),P6(3),P7(3),P8(3),P9(3),P10(3),P11(3),P12(3),P13(3),P14(3),P15(3)],'filled','MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0]);hold on
scatter3([P3(1),G17(1),P18(1),P19(1),P7(1),G21(1),P22(1),P23(1),P11(1),G25(1),P26(1),P27(1),P15(1),G29(1),P30(1),P31(1)],[P3(2),G17(2),P18(2),P19(2),P7(2),G21(2),P22(2),P23(2),P11(2),G25(2),P26(2),P27(2),P15(2),G29(2),P30(2),P31(2)],[P3(3),G17(3),P18(3),P19(3),P7(3),G21(3),P22(3),P23(3),P11(3),G25(3),P26(3),P27(3),P15(3),G29(3),P30(3),P31(3)],'filled','MarkerFaceColor',[1 0 0]);hold on
hold on;
hold on;
hold on;
hold on;
does anyone know how do i merge the two cylinders? i attached the code above. thank you!

Best Answer

Hello NurFadhilah,
I believe this could be solved by substracting the difference in height between the second and third surfaces from Z2 and Z3. Please see attached screenshot. This could be implemented in the code as shown in variables Z2 and Z3 below.
Z2 = [z9 z12]-0.09031;
Z3 =[z12 z9]-0.09031;
Hope this helps!