MATLAB: String (‘char’) variables from symbolic expressions

chardoublestringsymbolic expressions

The code takes in symbolic expressions, i.e., 'char' variables (e.g. F = 'sin(s)'). I need to build my F from numerical data stored in 'double' type variables. Why does the following not work? Any help appreciated.
if true
function [t1 ft1] = laplaceinseries(sn,g1,greal1,g2,greal2)
%sn,g1,greal1,g2,greal2 are numerical vectors ('double' type variables)
syms s F1 F2 F3
% F1(s), F2(s) and F3(s) in symbolic form
for j = 1:length(sn)
F1 = F1 + (greal1(j) - greal2(j))/(s+1/sn(j));
F2 = F2 + (greal1(j) + greal2(j))/(s+1/sn(j));
F3 = F3 + (g1(j)- g2(j))/(s+1/sn(j));
F = F1/F2*F3;
% F(s) as a string

Best Answer

Thank you so much, Walter! I did not know that this was necessary, but a proper symolic initialization solved the problem perfectly: F1 = sym(0); F2 = sym(0); F3 = sym(0);