MATLAB: Strcmp Error

input argumentstrcmp error

I am getting the following error:
Error using ==> strcmp
Not enough input arguments.
Error in ==> EFT at 150
if sum(strcmp(n.subject,subNames))
Here is the section of code:
numSubjects = 0;
allSubjects = cell(round(numFiles/4),1);
subNames = cell(round(numFiles/4),1);
maxNumStims = 0;
header('Reading Gaze Data',numFiles);
for i = 1:numFiles
rem = numFiles-i;
walltime=str2num(fileDate(end-1:end)) + ...
60*str2num(fileDate(end-4:end-3)) + ...
theFile=[pathh fileName];
gd = readGazeData(theFile,numHeaderLines,cols);
gd.walltime = walltime;
gd.requireBothEyes = requireBothEyes;
allGazeData{i} = gd;
pat = 'B(?<block>\d) (?<type>[A-Z][A-Z]).+(?<subject>\d\d\d\d[.]\d\d)';
n = regexp(Q(i).name, pat, 'names');
blockNum = str2num(n.block);
allGazeData{i}.blockNum = blockNum;
if sum(strcmp(n.subject,subNames))
ind = find(strcmp(n.subject,subNames));
Does anyone know why I am getting this error? Thank you

Best Answer

Please consider the possibility that
n = regexp(Q(i).name, pat, 'names');
might return empty.
You are running the regexp() against what looks like a file name rather than against (say) the gaze data.