MATLAB: Displaying All the Related Items from an Input File


I am working on a program where I have to read a text file data.txt which has content like this:
Mango Guava
Pears Strawberry
Guava Watermelon
Coconut Guava
Here, Mango is related to Guava, Banana is not related to anyone, Pears is related to strawberry, Guava is related to Watermelon, and Coconut is related is Guava.
Now, the aim of the program is to check the second string of each row (if present) (i.e., Guava) with the first string in the first column (only) and if present display its relation altogether. The output of the program should be:
Mango Guava Watermelon
Pears Strawberry
Coconut Guava Watermelon
Here is what i have tried. I have read the file data and split it into 2 cell array and stored it in B and C. How should i go further to check the relations and dispay the output. Your help would be appreciated.
tline = fgetl(fid);
tlines = cell(0,1);
while ischar(tline)
tlines{end+1,1} = tline;
tline = fgetl(fid);
D = regexp(tlines, '\s+', 'split');
A = vertcat(D{:});
for i= 1:length(A)
t = strsplit(A{i}) ;
b{i} = t{1} ;
for j= 1:length(A)
s = strsplit(A{j,2}) ;
c{j} = s{1} ;

Best Answer

Try this
str = fileread('test.txt');
str_words = cellfun(@(x) {strsplit(x, ' ')}, strsplit(str, '\n'));
str_words = [vertcat(str_words{:}) repmat({''}, size(str_words, 2), 1)];
[tf, idx] = ismember(str_words(:,2), str_words(:,1));
str_words(tf, 3) = str_words(idx(tf), 2);
str_words = str_words.';
sprintf('%s %s %s\n', str_words{:})
ans =
'Mango Guava Watermelon
Pears Strawberry
Guava Watermelon
Coconut Guava Watermelon