MATLAB: Storing values from editable gui table in a variable


I'm trying to make an editable ui table that outputs a matrix of zero's and one's depending on which checkboxes in the table are checked. This matrix with the edited values should be stored in A, but I cannot figure out why this doesn't happen. This is my code:
function [A] = Gui()
fig = uifigure;
tdata = table('Size',[8 9],'VariableTypes',{'double','logical','logical','logical','logical','logical','logical','logical','logical'});
uit = uitable('Parent',fig,'Data',tdata,'ColumnEditable',true,'ColumnWidth',{2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2});
btn = uibutton(fig,'ButtonPushedFcn', @(btn,event) StoreTable(uit));
btn.Position = [80 80 100 22];
btn.Text = 'Store';
function [A] = StoreTable(uit)
A = get(uit, 'Data');
Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

I assume that you want to store the table in a variable in the workspace. You can achieve the same with the assignin() function. Refer the following code.
function GUI()
fig = uifigure;
tdata = table('Size',[8 9],'VariableTypes',{'double','logical','logical','logical','logical','logical','logical','logical','logical'});
uit = uitable('Parent',fig,'Data',tdata,'ColumnEditable',true,'ColumnWidth',{2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2});
uibutton(fig,'Position',[80 80 100 22],'Text','Store','ButtonPushedFcn', @(btn,event)StoreTable(uit));
function StoreTable(uit)
A = get(uit, 'Data');
A = table2array(A); % Comment out this line if you want data in Table format itself
assignin('base','A',A); % Assigning the table into the MATLAB base worksapce