MATLAB: Stereo Calibration and Scene Reconstruction

Computer Vision Toolboxscene reconstructionstereo calibration

I want to calibrate a stereo camera system, and reconstruct a 3-D scene just like in the example: but for a much larger scene, not in a small room. a 50*50 meters scene. If I want it to be as accurate as the example, should I capture the checkerboard from different distances? 10,20,30 meters? or the algorithm will work with only close to camera images.

Best Answer

Hi Idan,
You should make a large checkerboard and try to take images at various distances. I doubt you can make a checkerboard large enough to be clearly visible at 50 meters, so go as far as you can.
Your accuracy will depend on the resolution of your cameras, and also on the baseline. To measure things this far out, you would need to move the cameras farther apart. You want the disparity to be greater than a pixel for objects at the far end of your distance range.
Keep in mind, that reconstruction accuracy will fall off with the distance.