MATLAB: Sprintf extra space character!


Experts, I am trying to rename some images with the following code. The new names should be '1.jpg', '2.jpg' etc. However, I get ' 1.jpg', ' 2.jpg' etc. Note there is a space before each digit. What is the issue with my code?
a ='C:\Users\Faraz\Desktop\IBHS\Flame height\Frames\';
A =dir( fullfile(a, '*.jpg') );
fileNames = { };
for iFile = 1 : numel( A )
newName = fullfile(a, sprintf( '%2d.jpg', iFile ) );
movefile( fullfile(a, fileNames{ iFile }), newName );

Best Answer

%2d means that it should always take a minimum of 2 characters for the number. %d would use the minimum length for each number.
If you were looking for 01.jpg, 02.jpg, ... 09.jpg, 10.jpg, etc., then you would use %02d