MATLAB: Splitting a matrix based on certain values in the rows


I have a matrix A like this:
A = [911 911;
0 2;
8 5;
7 3;
911 911;
5 3;
1 6;
6 7;
911 911;
3 5;
8 4];
I want to split the matrix A into three matrices (A1,A2,A3) based on the row values 911 like this:
A1 = [0 2; 8 5; 7 3];
A2 = [5 3; 1 6; 6 7];
A3 = [3 5; 8 4];
I need to do this thing inside a for loop which will give the spitted matrix one after another.

Best Answer

No loop required:
>> idx = cumsum(all(A==911,2));
>> row = 1:numel(idx);
>> fun = @(r){A(r(2:end),:)};
>> C = accumarray(idx,row(:),[],fun);
>> C{:}
ans =
0 2
8 5
7 3
ans =
5 3
1 6
6 7
ans =
3 5
8 4